Incredible Times

We live in incredible times.
Never before in the history of humankind
has there been such an opportunity for spiritual growth.
-Diana Cooper

Life is the Opportunity

Life is the opportunity to remember 
who you are and express what you are. 
-Steven Sadleir

A More Grace Filled Universe

The universe is a mass shared dream
that all six-and-a-half billion of us
are dreaming up into materialization.
When we realize this, we can put our lucidity together
so that we can co-creatively dream
a more grace-filled universe into incarnation.
This nothing other than an evolutionary quantum leap
in human consciousness unimaginable until now.
-Paul Levy

Perfect Fulfullment

There is no reason
for any of us
to accept anything less
than perfect fulfillment.

It is waiting.

It is our destiny.
-Bruce Gilbert


Expect your every need to be met.
Expect the answer to every problem,
expect abundance on every level.
-Eileen Caddy

Everything You Experience

Everything that you experience
is teaching you something about yourself.
-Steven Sadleir

A Vehicle For Transformation

Everything in your life
is there as a vehicle for your transformation.
Use it!
-Richard Alpert, "Ram Dass"

Dedicated to Conscious Being

My life has been dedicated
to my growth and evolution as a conscious being.
-Shakti Gawain

A Vast Web

All that is...
all of this universe is so interlaced...
it is as though you stand in the center
of a vast web of influences reaching to infinity.

You weave into this web

And as you do
the web weaves into you.
-Bruce Gilbert

Probable Realities

Probabilities are an ever-present portion
of your invisible psychological environment.
You exist in the middle of a probable system of reality.
-Jane Roberts, "Seth"

You Own Evolution

We must realize that in the evolution of our consciousness
each of us is exactly where he should be
in accordance with his capacity to understand and his will to know.
-Bruce Gilbert

The Age of Knowing

We are now leaving the age of belief
and entering the age of knowing.
-Shirley Maclaine

The Doorway Marked Yes

Spirit and human come together
only through the doorway marked Yes.
-Pat Rodegast, "Emmanuel"

In Every Moment

In every ordinary moment,
a profound depth and beauty awaits your discovery.
-Eckhart Tolle

Your Limits

Your limits are nothing more than your idea
of what you have already done.

They have nothing to do
with what you can and will do.
-Alan Cohen

The Game of Wonderful

The game of life is to see how wonderful we can have it.
Can it be more wonderful today than yesterday?
How much more wonderful could it be tomorrow?

When you start hitting the ceiling of wonderful, keep going.
-Shaun de Warren

Your State of Consciousness

The world that you see,
is a reflection of your own state of consciousness.

Your state of consciousness is reflected
in how you see the world.
-Steven Sadleir

A Mirror

All we view around us
is a mirror of what we store inside.
-Chris Griscom

Your Energy Causes All Experience

You are in physical existence
to learn and understand that your energy,
translated into feelings, thoughts and emotion,
causes all experience.
There are no exceptions.
-Jane Roberts, "Seth""

What You Tell Yourself

You must become consciously aware of what you tell yourself
is true every moment of the day
for that is the reality that you project outwards.
-Jane Roberts, "Seth"

You Create Your Reality

You create the reality that you know.
There are no exceptions to this rule.
-Jane Roberts, "Seth"

We Create Our Own Reality

"Reality" is what we take to be true.
What we take to be true is what we believe.
What we believe is based upon our perceptions.
What we perceive depends on what we look for.
What we look for depends upon what we think.
What we think depends upon what we perceive.
What we perceive determines what we believe.
What we believe determines what we take to be true
What we take to be true is our reality.
So . . . We create our own reality.
-Gary Zukav

Powerful Emotional Attitudes Manifest

Everything you think
in a powerful emotional attitude
in this life manifests.
-J. Z. Knight, "Ramtha"

What You Think of Yourself

You manifest emotionally
what you think of yourself.
-J. Z. Knight, "Ramtha"

What Comes Back to You

What you send out is what you draw back in.
Take responsibility for the thoughts and emotions you send out,
for they go into the universe
and create the events and circumstances that come back to you.
-Sanaya Roman, "Orin"

You Attract Into Your Life

We always attract into our lives
whatever we think about most,
believe most strongly,
expect on the deepest level
and imagine most vividly.
-Shakti Gawain

The Magic of Manifestation

The magic of manifestation is simplicity.
It is profoundly simple.
It is what you think you are that is doing the manifesting.
-J. Z. Knight, "Ramtha"


Manifestation is not magic.

It is a dynamic state of consciousness.

It is a process of working with natural principles and laws
in order to translate energy from one level or reality to another.

One can manifest ideas, states of being, health as well as tangible objects.

It is something we all do all the time
through our thinking, our feeling, our actions, our very living.
-David Spangler

Be, Then Do, Then Have

You must first be who you really are,
then do what you need to do,
in order to have what you want.
-Shakti Gawain

Each Thought and Word is an Affirmation

Every thought you think
and every word you speak
is an affirmation.
-Louise Hay


Time is the cushion between
the thoughts you think
and the realities those thoughts produce.
-Jach Pursel, "Lazaris"

Embrace It Emotionally

In order to manifest
you must embrace the ideal of the manifestation.
Embrace it emotionally until the emotion
becomes the physical body.
-J. Z. Knight, ""Ramtha"

Everything Falls Easily Into Place

When I'm trusting and being myself...
everything in my life
reflects this by falling into place easily,
often miraculously.
-Shakti Gawain

Love is Like the Sun

Love is like the warm sun
that shines on the ice;
it melts and dissolve any barriers,
any areas of pain.
Like the ice,
your fears turn to water and evaporate.
-Sanaya Roman, "Orin"

An Opportunity to Love

The darkness needs to be seen,
not as a threat,
but as an opportunity to love.
-Pat Rodegast, "Emmanuel"

Peace of Mind

Peace of mind is clearly an internal matter.
It must begin with your own thoughts
and then extend outward.
It is from your peace of mind
that a peaceful perception of the world arises.
-A Course in Miracles

You Are the Sky

You do not have to destroy
every cloud in the sky.
All you have to do is keep remembering
you are the Sky.
-Mary-Margaret Moore, "Bartholomew"

You Are the Shadow and the Light

Not only are you the shadow that is dancing on the wall,
but you are the hand that makes the shadow,
and you are the light.
-Pat Rodegast, "Emmanuel"

The Body is a Mirror

The body,
like everything else in life,
is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs.
-Louise Hay

Coloring the Mirror

Every action, every word
colors the mirror that you are.
-J. Z. Knight, "Ramtha"

Direct the Energy Flow

All energy flowing in and around the body
can be directed by thought.
-W. Brugh Joy

A Higher Frequency Current

A joyous person abounds with energy and feels buoyant
because he or she is running
a higher-frequency current of energy through his or her system.
-Gary Zukav

Joy Echoing Through the Universe

Joy is the sound
that echoes through the universe.
-Pat Rodegast, "Emmanuel"

A New Frequency

Ecstasy is a new frequency.
-Chris Griscom